The meeting will highlight India's commitment to education and its vital role in determining the future
The inaugural meeting of the G20 Education Working Group will take place in Chennai, Tamil Nadu on February 1–2. As a precursor to the meeting, IIT Madras hosted a seminar on the "Role of Digital Technology in Education" on Tuesday (January 31). What the G20 Education Working Group is about The G20 Education Working Group will concentrate on ensuring fundamental literacy and numeracy, particularly in the context of blended learning; increasing the inclusiveness, quality, and collaboration of tech-enabled teaching methods at every level; building capacities; encouraging lifelong learning in the context of the future of work; bolstering research; and fostering innovation through richer collaboration and partnerships. Being the host country, the G20 EdWG meeting will give India a significant platform to discuss and collaborate with other G20 nations while also showcasing its educational programs, policies, and best practices to a global audience. The purpose of the conference is to develop a robust and inclusive education and skilling ecosystem and unleash each learner's creative potential, as further outlined in the National Education Policy, 2020. The seminar being hosted by IIT Madras has participants from 13 G20 member countries as well as invited nations and international organizations. The seminar has three segments that take the shape of a panel discussion: * Providing accessible and equitable education for K–12 students. * Enabling high-quality learning opportunities at scale. * Emerging technologies to provide skill education and training. Additionally, the occasion will provide India a chance to work with other nations on crucial problems pertaining to education and to take the lead in determining the direction of global education. Why Chennai was chosen as the host city Chennai is a significant center for education in India, as the capital city of Tamil Nadu is home to several schools, universities, and research centers that provide a wide range of academic programs in numerous subject areas. The holding of the G20 Education Working Group in 2023 would highlight Chennai and India's commitment to education and its vital role in determining the future while drawing attention to them on a global scale. Chennai has made considerable investment in education in recent years, with an emphasis on raising educational standards and expanding access to opportunities for everyone. In addition to having a strong public school system, the city has started a number of programs to give disadvantaged kids access to the best education. With its long history, active student population, and dedication to education, Chennai is a prime place to host the first G20 EdWG in 2023 and to take the lead in determining the course of global education.