Editorial team

India News Network brings you authentic information about the world's largest democracy through a team of seasoned journalists, multimedia professionals, and researchers.

They cover the entire gamut of news including diplomacy, governance and politics, the social sector including health and agriculture, in addition to India's continuing story of growth and development.

We also publish in-depth articles by guest writers and contributors with domain knowledge ranging from defence and strategy to international relations and health.

To contribute to India News Network, email us at info@indianewsnetwork.com

Vinay Jha
Sr. Journalist- Editor

A career spanning nearly three decades has seen Vinay cover a host of issues related to security and strategic affairs, including Terrorism, Kashmir, the Northeast, and Left Wing Extremism. He has worked with Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, The Statesman, and the Dainik Bhaskar Group.

Shankar Kumar
Shankar Kumar
Sr. Journalist- Editor

Beginning his journalistic carrier in the early 90s, Shankar Kumar has had stint with various news organisations, including ANI, ANSA (Italian News Agency), TV Live, Sahara and Governance Now. Diplomacy and strategy have been core areas of his interest, which he has been pursuing with dedication and sincerity for around two decades.

Mihir Bhonsale
Journalist- Assistant Editor

High-energy Assistant Editor with nine years of experience and expertise in foreign affairs. Precise and detailed writer employs critical thinking and problem-solving skills to produce exceptional short-form and long-form content. Looking to leverage a diverse background, deadline-driven attitude, and success in streamlining editorial processes.

Ashutosh Dhar Dubey
Journalist- Social Media

Ashutosh specialises in News Monitoring and Research and News Production. He also manages Social Media for India News Network. A Journalism graduate , he has a keen eye for detail when it comes to happenings around the world.

Rajeewa Ranasinghe
Representative, Sri Lanka

Rajeewa is media advisor from the island nation of Sri lanka, He has been delivering his service at India Network as a translator. He writes content about economics and international relations.

Fahim Ahmed Mondol
Representative, Bangladesh

Fahim is a professional journalist and interpreter, having approximately four years of experience working in renowned Bangladeshi newspapers and magazines. At India News Network he does translations. Fahim is pursuing his undergraduate studies in Urban and Regional Planning at Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.