The resolution asks for unhindered timely access to essential health technologies while recognising the role of extensive immunisation

India along with 168 other nations has voted in favour of the United Nations’ (UN) multifaceted COVID-19 resolution asking countries to have unhindered timely access to essential health technologies, a resolution opposed by the US and Israel at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

According to report published in The Tribune, ‘the Omnibus Resolution on Comprehensive and Coordinated Response to COVID Pandemic,’ is a result of an appeal by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calling for immediate global ceasefire to ‘create corridors for life-saving aid, open windows for the diplomacy of dialogue.”

The resolution asks for unhindered timely access to essential health technologies while recognising the role of extensive immunisation.

Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of the 74th Session of UNGA, later took to twitter and wrote, “Delighted to announce the adoption of the #COVID19 Omnibus Resolution. This is a powerful and ambitious text and it reflects the collective will of Member States to overcome this unprecedented challenge as nations, united. Negotiations were intense but cooperation prevailed.”

As per the report published in The Tribune, India also recognised and supported the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) role in responding to the outbreak. India’s deputy permanent representative to the UN, K Nagraj Naidu said, “India reaffirms its commitment to international cooperation, multilateralism and solidarity. That is the only way for the world to effectively respond to global crises.”

This comes against the US’s opinion that WHO failed miserably in handling the global health crises. The US said, “Not only did they (WHO) fail the world, but its failures in the early days of the pandemic also contributed to needless suffering and the worsening of this pandemic.”

The US and Israel voted against the resolution which was coordinated by Afghanistan and Croatia. The resolution of third on the COVID-19 pandemic since its outbreak. India on other hand backed the resolution and noted that it reaffirmed its commitment to international cooperation, multilateralism and solidarity at all levels.

Read the full report in The Tribune